Saturday, March 31, 2012

swtor gold because this relates to the whole concept of national policy - MSU

129765921282706250_11Mr Li on Volvo: what ministries do what we do Mr LI: as a business I can honestly and docile, which ministries, how do I do; as long as they can achieve in China, I just thank God the power of technology in 2011, Volvo's sales growth in global 50%, 50% market growth in China, Japan diablo 3 gold, and Germany's growth is around 50%. Needless to say, China is the WalSecond home market of the world automobile, Geely after mergers and acquisitions of Volvo, our investment in China is relatively large diablo 3 power leveling, rapid development of the market. Germany and Japan markets superior to what can be done so? mainly rely on Volvo's technologies, in both of these markets we put in a high-tech products. Automatic braking system, for example, to date, the world's onlyVolvo car manufacturer uses this technology. Simply put, is if someone in front of the car, the dog, cat or other vehicles, the system will automatically lock and track the target. Track just does not work, when a danger imminent and the driver did not take the appropriate measures under, the system automatically brakes. Another new technology is the automatic correction system, which isVolvo's first in the world. People tend to judge when the drive is not very accurate, such as difference of 1 cm or 1 mm, are invisible, but the automatic detection system you can find the drivers to drive often make some mistakes, it will take the initiative to remind. Also, when the car ran on the highway, when almost about to hit the belt, even if the driver does not find this, correctingSystem will automatically adjust. It was like singing karaoke OK, some people don't sing very nicely, but Kara OK to automatically correct some degree of. The first use of high technology in automobile, Volvo Germany and Japan sales are main reasons for the increases. And he's married now Volvo's 100% of Chinese enterprises, but currently in the country fell to the ground and wasGovernment classified as "foreign" identity, and this within the Volvo Group and foreign media reaction was great. Our Volvo was approved by the Chinese Government, of all procedures in full compliance with the laws and policies of China. Deal ends today, there are more than two years, Volvo's operations very well, but as of today, Volvo also cannot be accepted by the Chinese authorities to the State-owned enterprisesIndustry, also do not agree that this is a Chinese brand. At the time of acquisition, told us very clearly, after the merger of Volvo is that Chinese enterprises, a company is a subsidiary of Geely, mergers and acquisitions will enjoy some of China's policies. I talked about these things, but now the Government while we engage in joint ventures, which let people inside the company Volvo was incredible. The matter caused abroadGreat response, even many foreigners suspected of Chinese law. A Chinese percent owned by Volvo, why not recognize it as the Chinese do? The Government asked us to set up a joint venture company, as an enterprise, we can only be honest and obedient, which ministries and what we do, what we do, I can't have too many of my own ideas. As long as can be achieved in ChinaI thank God. In fact, the so-called "joint venture", is me and my marriage, because the cooperation between the two sides is my signature. Themselves with their marriage, himself with his contract, themselves with their joint venture. I think it is also very funny. This kind of problem, I I make too many comments, because this relates to the whole concept of national policy, legal and open. But tellTo be honest, provisions of Chinese laws and policies are not very specific, because this is a new thing. With BMW Mercedes-Benz PK Chinese car brands have been higher-end swtor gold, we are really starting from zero, from low-end to high-end. But the fact is that we also have a shortcut, is acquired. I thought that Volvo might one day become China's firstA high-end brand, and Mercedes-Benz, BMW rival. This is our starting point and basis for mergers and acquisitions. Now enterprises all over the world come to China, China sent out their business, that allows your enterprise to the world? this is followed by a more significant topic. Only implementation, and you in me, and I in you, this is China's accession to WTOStarting point, this is the economic globalization. China's automobile industry is only now realizing I have in you, not realizing you have in me. Cars in China than Japan, Europe, the United States average price to high 10%, after decades of development, and why car prices in China high? of China, such as garments, footwear, textile and other daily necessities, in someNational competitiveness has emerged, only vehicles in developed countries is not competitive, these need further reflection on the entire industry. We cannot rely on the competition we wish to help, only you can become strong, only the brave and competitors to compete, in a scientific manner to show the attitude of China's participation in global competition, in a responsible mannerWith confidence and competitive, fair and transparent competition according to the law. Only in this way, China's brand of automobile industry in order to keep going strong. Others:

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