Saturday, March 31, 2012

tera gold many investors also predicted - XMD

129773438597656250_124Author: line of seven even Yang GUI haoming week red trend seems at hand, Yin-an instant line market is already week three. Special life is also is thought to reflect the market half of one of the important symbols of the trend line in the middle line, was on Friday fell below. No doubt, the market has entered a gradual adjustment. If you said not long ago, we still long forStock indices hit 2,500 points, then now is whether to consider the 2,300-point guard. Multiple bad interleaving is amplification of course, something to say back. Stock market will suddenly appear reversal, also had a variety of reasons. Take last week, date line four continuous cloudy. Every time the market fall, can seek to a specific story. For example, on Tuesday, national development and Reform Commission to improve oil pricesGrid. It was expected to, but because adjustment is larger, but it is also in the stock market when you just get out of the shadow of the crash on Wednesday before, the bad effect is amplified. Objectively speaking, many investors also predicted, resources will accelerate the reform of prices, this year's consumer price index (CPI) would not be too low. Shun this deduction, you will want toLike to loose probably will not be too much room for manoeuvre in macroeconomic policy. Therefore, raising the price of oil products of bad, bad interpretation from a bad for the whole market. However, the impact of last week's stock market account for not only this one. HSBC announced at the weekend editions March purchasing managers ' index (PMI) index 48.1%, significantly lower than February, thusOver 3 months in a row the index rose. Problem is, most of the PMI index for March was up in the past, average gains of about 10 to 0.6%. Features of this fall season, shows real economic situation is very bad, especially the small and medium enterprise business situation remains very serious. It should be said that this has been proved in some other data, likeImport and export, new credit indicators, recently were relatively poor. It is clear that investors look at the moment, retrenchment last year are now being gradually revealed. Because of the real economy is not ideal, so the rally will be more restrictive than support. By the way, performance factor dependent on large blue-chip stocks, in public opinion a singing sound WalkerStumble, I am afraid it is associated with the poor performance of the real economy. In addition, because of the bad mood, positive message will be deemed bad interpretation of last week. Tuesday of Guangdong on multi-billion dollar pension allowed to enter the market, which should be considered good. Some people even think this is concerned measures to hedge against rising oil prices, with "bailout" flavor. However, carefullyOoze, found the situation is not so simple swtor gold, because they clearly are mainly used for investment in fixed income, buy very few number of shares. But, we can't help but think, start at the beginning of the pension market's expectations may be too optimistic. And the so-called Guide long term funds into the stock market, now seems to have just started, and does not yet have the appropriate size, and shortPeriod are unlikely to achieve. In this way tera gold, future judgment, especially for blue-chip market judgment, some changes will occur. And even, to some extent, treat billions of pension market as bad--because the real market is too small. Perhaps make such judgments is shortsighted, but sometimes, such collective short-term market is.Thus, billions of pension market of the message that I couldn't change the downward trend on stock markets tera power leveling, and instead had a "good bad". Vulnerable to adjust as the main character, the three weeks of declining, major investors and policy-oriented good expectations for the real economy goes beyond the actual results inevitably punished by the market. ShouldThat, due to the boom of the real economy is not high, and if this continues, will affect the "steady growth" objectives are met, therefore speed up the macro-policy "adjusting fine" possibilities of rhythm. Now there are a lot of people make, and is now significantly reduce reserve requirements in a timely manner. In other words, policies to further loosen the opportunity to increase. OnlyIs too much in the face of disappointment, and witnessed after the disappointing performance of the real economy, investor confidence is obviously inadequate. These reflected on the stock market, is that investors have no desire to continue fighting, select Exit. There have been observed when the market collapse in March 14, total turnover in the two cities had more than $ 327.6 billion. And after that amount has been shrinking over the weekend, only 140$ 200 million. This can be seen as weakened sentiment indicators fully. With this in mind, although it was predictable, despite recent trends are not ideal, but it is temporary, Outlook may not be very poor. It is true that made such a thought is not without merit, is not so easy to be recognized but at least at this stage. On the form, under market has dropped below pattern. In the short term at least, if notExceeded expectations appear good, stock markets also will be vulnerable to adjust as the main character, while the volume will further shrink. In General, the Shanghai test 2,300 points, test the 9,700 points in Shenzhen will be the probability of the event. So even if investors remain upbeat about the Outlook, but still needs to lower positions, at the same time reducing the operating frequency, to get through this adjustment phase。 Perhaps this adjustment period not too short. Very often, the stock market is up, and now it needs to wait: wait for macro-further improvements in wait for the real economy bottom out and wait for the money to return to the stock market again. Perhaps, the conditions are combined with, next month we will be able to see the stock market ended weaker adjustment out of the rally. (Author:Institute of Shen Wan) (Editor: Zhang Lei) Others:

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