Thursday, June 28, 2012

at present most of the vertical industry is still facing losses

129836407501718750_62The Internet holds warmth: "married" snap to drive capital arranged marriages Lake living, killing without gory, the Internet is no exception. Youku and potato reminds us: in fact, you can consider changing the equallylives, such as hold-are no longer cut-throat, but Hello me Hello. "Big" holding "big" are strong; "one-stop" holding "professional", as complementary resources; "small" lock "small", at least to live longerSome. In order to expand a user, in order to monopolize the market, withdrawal, Internet have mergers and acquisitions, mergers and acquisitions, mergers and acquisitions will no doubt be in the future. This is an "and", "married" up the age of flooding there is always a force so tireless, there is always a force in driving ahead of the times. In the Internet industry, this force is mergers and acquisitions. Each of the InternetMergers and acquisitions are like a drop into another drop of water, common powerful; like a beam of light surrounded by a ray of light, reflect each other. "Youku to eat potatoes", again just to remind us that this is an "and", "married" up the years of flooding. Thinking back more than 10 years ago, the Internet bubble has not blown, the busy bustle of big man today may also be plagued with leisure, all day on flimsy BBSOn irrigation. However, the Internet is ubiquitous today, whether it is mobile instant Internet access, micro-Bo is also sprouted, indomitable will, let people feel the irresistible Internet cyclone. Indeed, there is always a force so tireless, there is always a force in driving ahead of the times. In the Internet industry, this force is mergers and acquisitions. Each of the mutualNetwork merger is like a drop of water into a drop of water, like a beam of light surrounded by a ray of light, only in this way, can we make wise men abound, contending only in so doing, to make a brave man to come out of hand. Dauge, Chief capital managing partner Yu Tiecheng said mergers and acquisitions of the Internet has not stopped, but also very active. Such as the recent Facebook for $ 1 billion chargeInstagram big purchase, almost unimaginable in the country. "In fact, only those barons could not copy mode, may have been expensive acquisitions. "Yu Tiecheng said, at present many potential buyers on the Internet in China, will usually look at the models of a project team can be copied, will consider only if you do not purchase. Datai capital managementPartner Li Quansheng told reporters, after overheating in the area of the Internet, many participants, now we have to consider how to exit. In his view, the PE/VC through a merger to exit will become a trend, and the so-called "big eat" merging will be more and more. Merger to rivals have raised urgent questions--are holding warmth or separatist fight? Nanjing securitiesInvestment adviser Jim Zhang thought, at present most of the vertical industry is still facing losses click here, industry positioning homogenization of serious, acquisition and integration is the trend. "Youku to eat potatoes", again just to remind us that this is an "and", "married" up the years of flooding. Video site: mergers and acquisitions is far from over "mergers and acquisitions in the Web video industry hasn't finished, before the end of this yearLike youku potatoes with this kind of merger and acquisition events will happen again at least once. "Aiqi Arts CEO Gong Yu told the correspondent, as far as he knows, there may occur with the so-called video" s small s "merged, should be the site name with an" s "video site. "In this business, no matter which two sites, both business types are complementary and are heavy, Mergers and acquisitions are full. "Early potatoes in cool" marriage "before, video sites have been a number of mergers and acquisitions at home and abroad. In October 2006, the price of Google for $ 1.65 billion acquisition of YouTube is The Rock, and the deal also began to make everyone aware that video site for business consolidation through acquisitions, into a newTrend. "In order to provide consumers, content owners and advertisers with compelling media and entertainment services, we are natural partners. "When Google CEO Eric? Schmidt (Eric Schmidt) said. No doubt, YouTube a no profit for startups, GoogleKen spared its 8-year history of the company's most expensive acquisitions, this story, of course, is optimistic about the increasing number of viewers and advertisers to shift from TV to the Internet. Similarly, in September 2011, social networks renren to 80 million dollar wholly acquired 56 network video sharing site. "Internet users to communicate and share on social networking sites you wantSeeking is no longer limited to text and images, more and more users like to share your own original video. "Everyone, Chairman and Chief Executive, said Chen Yizhou, 56 net acquisitions can help network for all users on social networks with video recording and sharing of life more easily. Zhou Juan 56 NET co-founder and CEO, believes that through the network user baseAs well as social networks, mobile Internet and social resources such as e-commerce, will help further strengthen 56 network attractive to users. "China's Internet industry and foreign gap and there is not much, Internet community changes that occur abroad will soon be reflected in the Mainland. Especially online video industry, both at home and abroad? time is very close. "Gong Yu said, according to aiqi artSurvey of mobile Internet users currently has two basic characteristics: phone? offline viewing needs than Tablet users, Android platform, users demand for offline viewing is greater than the iOS platform users. Mobile video is expected to become a new area of video competition. Since there was a wave of mergers and acquisitions, split boom does occur? "Right now in the online video industry will notThis occurs. "Gong Yu said firmly. "Split is very unlikely. Mergers and acquisitions mean that the consumer was a business of several companies admitted, this is help for industry and enterprise development. "Stiff-released advisory body Chairman and Chief Adviser said Ni Xukang, enterprises need to split out the consumers have a cultivation process again. "Consumers have notFormation concerns to the enterprise, enterprises have the decline. "Professional sites for large Web site often to small active" seeking ", and eventually meet their strategic objectives. Such merger occurred in areas such as wine and luxury the chance is very high. Peer-joint and complementary resources Ni Xukang think, Internet is a combination of the largest merger and acquisition, to get the most out of customer recognitionWith and seek the maximum business benefits. Thus, complementary Internet acquisitions leading peers and resources in two modes. Peer-joint acquisition of the formation of industry monopoly, formed most of interest. "Youku and potatoes-the top two companies through mergers and acquisitions in the industry complete monopoly of the video area, for any one new to the industry of the enterprise is a big block."Ni Xukang believe that consumers ' cognitive formation of consumer inertia, combined the two strongest companies, even can prevent a" report "status of enterprises. Such mergers and acquisitions on the Internet various niche will have lasting appeal. Resources for complementary acquisitions, many social networking websites in recent years begun to mergers and acquisitions of some types of professional Web site, formed on its ownBusiness offset so as to enhance the comprehensive effects of the entire website, meet the needs of profit. Mergers and acquisitions of this type tend to be large integrated sites tend to have certain influence of small professional Web site initiative "seeking", eventually meet their strategic objectives. Such merger occurred in areas such as wine and luxury the chance is very high. "China also failed to find a goodGood business model, seems to have placed too much emphasis on price by mistake the wrong road. "Psychic jewelry CEO, France Le lang vineyards zhuangzhu Shen Dongjun says, luxury goods, on the one hand you want to put a lot of advertising, human resources, advertising and trading are not cheaper than traditional channels simultaneously and is now in the" have no way to back down ". "Promise to the consumer price is very cheap, cheap derivedProblem is the loss of brand personality. "He said. Luxury, for example, now the enterprise is at a loss in the State, by virtue of her crazy finance, mass media "burning money" promotion. Continuous burst out of the loss, naturally not windy appetite for investment and continue to invest. "If one day the money burned, changes in the pattern of luxury. "People in the industryForecast shows signs of luxury goods most likely merge is a comprehensive e-commerce Web site. Certainly does not exclude the possibility of peers hold-when two household appliance money burned, combined may "live longer". At the same time, some investor liquidation pressure and the own funds requirements of Internet, the initiative "seeking to marry". "No matter what kind of merger and acquisition, it isImplemented on consumers ' biggest influence to get consumers ' attention, creating maximum reside on a Web site. " "Mergers and acquisitions industry is the prerequisite of full competition. When I remember aiqi art on-line in April 2010, registered the business video site in China there are 880 home, now called out names add up to only about ten. "Gong Yu said, the real lineCan buy good plays to do marketing and advertising video websites, very few of the main economies of scale. "Frankly, the market participant is too much, so no matter what industry, as long as the market still needs to improve concentration, mergers and acquisitions occur. "The good" dowry ": the user Jack Welch once said that if general business are not into the top three in the industry,This business is for sale. Thus, access to three decisions before the enterprise's survival. Looking back at the development of various trades and industries, before the last successful enterprises are concentrated in a few. "China does not lack of imitation, lacks is originality. So when a business opportunity appears, large-scale imitation also appeared, the result is very clear, most companies will die in scrimmageAnd only a small part of the business will come to the fore. "Ni Xukang said that the merger is the industry trend, several companies before any industry is profitable. Internet industry has formed a number of niche, obtain users, so as to gain a sustainable advantage through mergers became the inevitable. At present, competition on the Internet in China has been the focus of profit model gradually towards the user, human resources,Communication, reputation, and influence at an angle, coupled with a lot of VCs involvement, the companies in the near future to increase users, expand the influence and expansion. Jim Zhang said mergers and acquisitions business types that the user base there is a big difference between the two sides, then the combination of ex post effects will no doubt be more fully utilized. "Short term, sudden Big Mac on the market must be within the industryBrings vibrations. In the long run, have complementary advantages, mutual benefit and win-win Alliance will be cooperative and demonstration effect of mergers and acquisitions, lifting industry bargaining, common cake bigger and stronger market. "Capital" package "marriage was involved in facilitating and cool? Bean network "marriage" between JI sources of capital (GGV) partner jixun foo thought that this case has a certain symbolic significance, because the mergeMarket value involved is large. Ggv capital investment in 2006, 2010 two potatoes, respectively, and master the potato in pre-IPO of 12.1% shares. Jixun foo, youku and potatoes is the leader in the industry, has created a lot of value, merger and acquisition is not only to shareholders, but is for the user. After the merger, up potato 160%, youku rose30%, multiple benefits. In his opinion, always working in the capital market, from the point of view of exit, enterprises are also more companies ' growth is sustainable, it is solid. "Simply the pursuit of returns and sometimes will make your pursuit of short-term gains, at the expense of long-term value. "South capital founder and managing partner of Zhong Xiaolin believes that InternetInto the low barrier, causing differentiation and its true value the need for network economies of scale, it is prone to dramatic changes. "Video is a typical venture capital in emerging Internet industry stories, because the barriers to low, who is the final fight to attract funding. "Zhong Xiaolin says," is basically a capital. "Da Li Quansheng correspondent said the Thai capital, capital can be successfully promotedMergers and acquisitions, but is not the same as dominance, new fit may not be able to fully develop the rules of the game. He believes that investors ' strong promotion of synergistic effect of combined with the difficulty lies mainly not strong, complementary high enough cultural integration as well as capacity strong enough, key is one of the leading mergers and acquisitions, in particular cultural integration capabilities.

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