Friday, June 29, 2012

which also increases the power consumption of TV. Because of this in two ways

129828564436562500_205General knowledge daily news on TV: TV energy saving ways TV is almost must-have appliances per household per family, more because of the frequency and duration, its power consumption is also very impressive. However, as long as some common sense can be effective. First, the volume size can decide the size of TV electricity consumption, so consumers need attention when in use. In General, adjust the volume on the TV set to suitable level, doNot only save power, it should not interfere with the neighbors; if you're watching the movie the blind pursuit of audio and video effects, to a very large volume, its power will not only increase the number of the machine (according to testing, TV for every 1W audio power, power will increase the power of 3-4W), and voice in the larger environment can also cause ear fatigue, hearing loss. ItsTime, brightness of the TV is also energy-related. TV energy difference darkest and brightest in 30-50W (the most evident particularly in the plasma TV, LCD TV power constant power ullage and brightness is not so much), degree of brightness should be adjusted in the more comfortable, indoor lighting low wattage fluorescent lamp, turn the TV brightness down a bit, it will not only save power, watchGood results, and it is not easy to make eye fatigue. In addition, plus dust cover to prevent TV into dust, dust leakage click here, increase the power consumption. When many people are using TV, often using the remote shutdown or a scheduled shutdown, which also increases the power consumption of TV. Because of this in two ways, internal circuit TV has not completely broken, will continue to maintainElectricity. Therefore, TVs to completely cut off the power supply when not in use.

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