Monday, June 11, 2012

hasAt 23 Diablo 3 Gold hasAt 23 - JEFH

129834010443233750_89Reporter Qu Hongyan Grace Ting Ning bond private placement is heat holding, total before this year May exceed the number of issued over the past few years, and its performance is delivered, according to the private line network statistics, bonds May have a track record of 47-private equity products achieving positive returns Diablo 3 Gold, trust owned Minmetals ASON-win the 1th month earnings as high as 12.91%, won the Championship.May with an average yield of 1.14%, according to statistics, as of May 30, 2012, all bonds net value of private equity products in the running for 1 month and have revealed a total of 47, structured unstructured 18 29, only. Private equity products May all bonds with an average yield of 1.14%, where average yields non-structured products is 0.87%, Structured products with an average yield of 1.3% wow power leveling, running base and transmission over the public debt levels of brokers collection base average financial debt. It is worth mentioning that, May be 47 bond private placement of the statistical products are all made gains, with earnings up to a maximum of 12.91%, for trust owned Minmetals ASON win 1th obtained. ASON-win set up, 1th March 13,Is a private bonds, structured products, cumulative net worth is $ 1.236 now, less than three months net growth of 23.6%.����Based on ASON win trust scheme, 1th, the major investment bank interbank bond market issuance of listed bonds, financial bonds, bills, bonds, corporate bonds, etc. Senior research fellow Peng Lina said Rong Zhi ratings, bondPrivate equity products monthly income over 10% rarely, estimate the product use Ganggang amplification strategies, or participate in the bond repurchase, investment high yield credit debt, convertible bonds, etc. Data show that May benefit the top three of its private placement bonds comes Minmetals trust, other than ASON-win, 1th, including Sheng Ma and warm 2, yields were 3.2% and2.57%, Sheng sheng Ma since the establishment of asset management yields as high as 19.77%. This year private bond products, surge in the number of hot trends seems to be unstoppable. Incomplete statistics, issued a total of 97 bond private placement in China since 2002, 19 of which have expired liquidation, currently running with 73And since 2012, offering a total of 53, circulation surpassed the number issued in the past few years. From the issuer, State investment trust bond private placement number gain the total issue 21, followed by good faith support, Chang an in trust, trust, trust of Beijing Minmetals. Top five trust companies issuing bond private placement number of total market size rulesDie 50%. From the investment advisor, currently involved in the bond number of private companies, private equity products management remains very small, mainly in Beijing, Shanghai Diablo 3 power leveling, such as Yu Shui, Lok Shui assets Beijing, Peng Yang, Loken international investment, investment in Shanghai Shanshan blue dapple, silver leaf, Xin governance investment. Beijing Union administered by the Swiss bond has the most private equity products, hasAt 23, and several other private equity management 1-2 products only. May bond private placement issue of cooled, as of now, there are only 3 raised successfully established. Minmetals silver trust launched two structured products long Sheng Dao Heng, 1th in phase 1 and, domestic bonds, private equity management of the largest Swiss holding company in trust in Beijing this monthA management product, 1th quarter dividend. Products also May still raise 8. Sunshine private budding the highest yields of the bonds 20% bonds steady rises in private most performance focused on timing and selection and shock rush hot bond market private equity Quant leveraged private equity products bonds monthly report: May release cooled bond private placementStar bonds issued by concentrated private bond private placement investors to join the sun rise Others:

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