Monday, April 2, 2012

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129773214346718750_72Shawn Xu, an economist (information), how to solve the problem of industrial upgrading, Shawn Xu, a famous economist made the "proposal"--first of all, economic innovation to dissolve the national development and Reform Commission, "promote the innovation of China's economy, the first thing to do is to dissolve the national development and Reform Commission! "Yesterday, on the first Lingnan Forum Roundtable Forum, noted economist, China Europe International Business School Professor Shawn Xu"Ruthless".  Guangdong Province attended the Forum and director Li Chunhong and generous response to the saying, "during the upgrade process, the Government has to leather for your own life", and claimed that after future perfect social organizations, social standing, development and Reform Commission could "step down". The existing financial system cannot support the innovation said Shawn Xu, a commercial bank as the main body, with large State-owned insuranceCompany as the major financial system, is unable to support innovation. Innovation needed to support innovation in the financial system, including from the Angel, venture capital, PE (private equity investment) to the VC (venture capital), formation of Echelon. To form a support knowledge and innovation in the financial industry, the Government should provide VC, PE Fund of legal frameworks, rather than regulatory rules."We have many PE, Angel, right to rob the Government approved, because the relationship between you and screw up the Government, does not report to you. On the innovation of our country great, innovative technology and innovation enterprise destruction. In order to promote the innovation of China's economy, the first thing to do is to dissolve the national development and Reform Commission! Later, after hearing officer Lee (Director of the national development and Reform Commission of Guangdong Province) speech, I thought a little change. Development and Reform Commission, a lot of people are well aware of this, so I now have to change. "Guangdong provincial development and Reform Commission director Li Chunhong and generous response from participating," has proved in the past, Government powers and responsibilities are not clear, do a lot of things not to do, doing a thankless task. For example on the world famous, it should not be, you can't make the worldPeople vote for you. There is create a famous brand award of 5 million Yuan, which is actually making new unfair. "He said, the Government should foster the development of social organization, promoting community self-reliance. "As it would appear that the national development and Reform Commission are unlikely to step down now, is not necessarily the case in the future! "Forum on decentralization to reduce examination and approval to the Government, host to the Director of the national development and Reform Commission of Guangdong ProvinceChunhong's question: "during the upgrade process diablo 3 power leveling, the Government must be in their own interest for the revolution, what are the obstacles? Where is the power? "Li Chunhong says, if you want to promote the community as a whole, or is the transformation and upgrading of the enterprise, you first need government transformation and upgrading, under the administration of the existing system, without the Government's transformation and upgrading, transformation and upgrading of the enterprise is more difficult. How can the GovernmentTransformation and upgrade it? To reduce examination and approval, lower threshold. "I have done surveys, corporate law go through the approval process, the shortest time of 310 days. According to this, market did not for a long time, lily is cool. So to substantially reducing the powers of Government, or even cancel the discretion. "He said, in a competitive industry, should be able to put on. Such as technicalMany areas of investment, development and Reform Commission no longer to worry about enterprise, especially private enterprises, they can vote, is there a profit, how the situation in the future, they themselves more clearly. "Money is not yours, worry for nothing. "Li Chunhong says Government not always do thankless work," development and Reform Commission of the people, such as a section chief, Commissioner, you are not Superman, it is impossible toAs well, so we should relax. "Li Chunhong thought, some bearing on the people's livelihood areas require approval, such as fire protection, and environmental protection, in the standardization of administrative examination and approval procedures, standards, specifications, cancellation of various flexible, standards are written clearly and save processing time. If organizations meet the requirements of the standard has not been approved, you can sue the Government does notAs.  Xiao-Nian Hui speech "to government power" and "mediocre Government is better government" said Shawn Xu spoke at the round table of the Forum, I hope the Government in terms of regulatory price control, productivity factors to let go, and exit the field of resource allocation, wins the House up to about 30 seconds of "the longest applause". Innovation shall protect intellectual property rights on industrial upgrading, Said Shawn Xu, the Government should do is the protection of property rights, especially the protection of intellectual property rights. There are no intellectual property protection, innovation, research and development investment is difficult to fully recover.  If there are fakes, initial research and development investment won't be recovered. He said: "to protect intellectual property rights, first of all, to protection of property rights in General, if a country of many entrepreneurs diablo 3 gold, these innovationsAnd foreign passports in hand, ready to emigration, he would not have had a long period of research and development, because development takes time, it needs time for establishment of a brand. We are entrepreneurs, innovators must be long-term domestic investment, innovation, technologies remain in the country, promoting the development of China's economy, the Government should give them a sense of. "Shawn Xu also pointed out that the Chinese Government in order toBoost GDP, long-term control of factor prices, to the detriment of China enterprise upgrading and extreme.  Government pricing mechanism should be allowed to play a greater role, with price guide enterprises towards the high end. Government quit the resource configuration in response to audience questions, Xu Xiao-Nian said, mediocre Government is the best Government. "The best Government in the world, is the mediocrity of the Government. Only mediocreThe Government will respect the law, respecting the enterprise in order to put their relationship to the market. ' Good Government can help enterprises ', this is a big misunderstanding. "Shawn Xu also said that private equity investments don't need Government approval. "On approval of private equity investment, into governmental regulatory system, that is, Private EquityPublic Equity. In his view, the PE that is private equity does not require approval and reporting swtor gold, it was private of private money. Zhou Yu Huang Gai, a wish, a wish to get. We now are government money do PE, wrong, the Government's money is the money people pay taxes, cannot take such high risks. "When it comes to the Government and the market in resource allocationHow to balance, Shawn Xu language more spectacular: "in short, the role of Government is not. Quit the Government allocation of resources, make room for market free configuration. However in the allocation of resources for the second time, the Government must play a role.  "Under this remark caused by warm applause from the audience, and even have an audience applauded loudly. Speaking after Xu Xiao-Nian, the audience applause constantly, The host has to ask audience applause to "energy saving". Quotations from "top design is the market economy reforms of 1992 have made it clear, you can now be ungrateful, forget the reform objectives. "--Wu Jinglian" is what the Government can do? Are you told me! Development of freedom of thought, culture, and society only, our national cultureContinuous growth and prosperity. Government, the more, the more pressing the creativity of our nation. "--Xiao-Nian Hui sound banking Secretary Liu Fushou in Guangdong Province: Guangdong finance assets over Hong Kong Liu Fushou said as of last year, the financial assets of more than Hong Kong in Guangdong Province, banking assets of $ 12.1 trillion, deposits had reached $ 9.5 trillionLoans reach 8 trillion yuan, defective rate is 1.45%. After the Asian financial crisis, how to reform the banking sector in Guangdong? He said Guangdong last year to "solve" a bank was changed to "Bank of China", now runs good. Commercial Bank changed its name to Guangdong Zhanjiang Bank, address the issue of sovereignty. Liu Fushou introduction, now assets of Guangdong's small and medium-sized financial institutions$ 1.2 trillion. From the beginning of 2009, Guangdong's rural tax reform 2009 advances in Guangzhou, Dongguan, Shunde three Bank reform, reform was a great success now, Guangzhou has reached 200 billion yuan of deposits, $ 100 billion of loans, low toxic assets, and management enhancements.  Dongguan, Shunde is also very good. Noted economist Wu Jinglian:Powers to intervene in the market to press corruption "what do you mean move steadily? No clear objectives, clear top design reform, called the stones. "Wu Jinglian said, now the top design problem is a heated discussion. But in 1992 has made clear is the top-level design of market economy reforms, can now be ungrateful, forget the reform goals. 30 years reform and opening up, the StateNo longer need to reinvent, reconstruction of a top-tier design. Wu Jinglian said, State intervention in the market now, price controls, have a great lease space power, could not effectively combat the spread of corruption. This also leads to economic problems, social problems have become political issues. In recent years, economic conflicts, social contradictions to the tipping point. Others:

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