Monday, April 9, 2012

tera power leveling as well as general manufacturing costs in China and gradually increase - OQM

129773928414531250_8Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog rolling financial capital history of the domestic economic and industrial economic current affairs news consumption in international economic life financial reviewThematic depth interviews a week topic hexun Newsweek predicted public laws and regulations cover data reading business school training weather collection luxury calendar finance ministries financial products news > body print RSS size 2012-March 27 source: Oriental Morning Post author: Li Zhiqing environment Li Zhiqing, Deputy Director of the Centre for economic research at Fudan University on March 20, the United States Commerce Department preliminary conclusions on China solar energy components of the anti-dumping investigation, identified earlier by the United States investigation of solar energy companies in the world to draw attention to the Chinese solar moduleThere is a degree of government subsidy, subsidy margins ranging from 2.9% per cent, thus constitutes the dumping. This is since October last year the US Department of Commerce and the International Trade Commission to accept several United States leading solar manufacturers draw attention to anti-dumping investigations make conclusions for the first time after application. From the currently released preliminary findings, United States Department of Commerce and no solarCompanies want, Chinese solar manufacturers make a heavier punishment concluded, not surprisingly, was published in May's final investigation conclusions will not be on production enterprise of Chinese solar energy would not be further punished.����So, why the United States should now carry out anti-dumping investigations against China new energy, and why the banner of light on the findings? From the recent United States President Barack ObamaFor its domestic energy development policy and related issues that stand in a row, is not difficult to see that China new energy component of exports to the United States, concerned not only Sino-US trade and economic issues such as employment, also involving United States energy development strategy tera power leveling, its progress on the Obama administration in its last year of this presidential term continued to implement the Green new deal has a special significance. United States map of energy development strategy, Improving energy self-sufficiency rate in order to ensure its safety was a consensus around the target, moving away from dependence on Middle East oil, energy production and supply capacity in improving the local community and surrounding areas, such as improving energy efficiency initiatives are: an inherent part of their problems. However, specific to how United States native resources on the issue of improving its energy self-sufficiency, United States community interest groupsThere are still very big differences. Since the Obama Administration proposed since the Green new deal focused on the development of new energy, biomass energy, wind energy, new energy sources like solar energy and energy efficiency technologies to become United States important options for achieving energy independence. Even though this policy had been challenges from traditional energy interests groups, appeared for its implementation and effects are still needs some time, but it no doubtA number of oil and gas resources, seeks to support development of new energy States.����It can be predicted that as a policy of steady driving, new energy development in the United States with increasing socio-political and economic foundation. However, new energy production is different from traditional energy sources on the technologies and product features. Reflect on the reliance on resources and environment, new energy production processAlso depends on natural resources such as minerals, such as Silicon mine, wind resources, but from the energy of minerals and other natural resources to the final product, the most critical of which new energy semi-finished products and parts processing of links, not only independent, and on high technology in production and manufacturing requirements, namely to have a certain level of technology of the skilled labour force with high demand, this means that in the new energyCost structure, skilled labour-intensive processing has a higher proportion of semi-finished products. Oil and gas resources into energy supply process is resource-intensive. Thus, if the Obama administration hopes to develop new energy, then it must address new energy product than to the issue of competitiveness of petroleum energy products. Especially in the United States and around oil and gas energy can improve localRegional supply capacities to sustain their case at a lower price and competitiveness, development of new energy efficiency is even more controversial.����As new supply could not be reflecting a certain economy of energy, even in the global response to climate change, develop a low carbon economy in the context of, have no way of proving its new energy United States energy diversification and the importance of security. In fact, justIn past of a years in, by United States Government promote of new energy local production setbacks constantly tera power leveling, number home main new energy manufacturers continuous collapsed, survived down of manufacturers or in continues to production or in plans transfer production base, despite United States local new energy production capacity constantly fell is promote this times on China new energy anti-dumping case of directly fuse, but its real main due to is by no means from China market of competitionRace. Actually, the advantage of accumulated manufacturing in China is most needed by the new competition in the energy and oil and gas energy source of competitiveness, to a certain extent, worldwide and China's manufacturing industry can only help reduce the production costs of new energy in global markets, promoting the process of commercialization of new energy, in the context of economic globalization, China's manufacturing industry in the new energyProduction advantage on a sufficient number of facilities by means of a trade benefit the United States and other international markets, thereby objectively support the United States on their implementation of the strategy of diversification and security of energy, which is why, in the recent United States domestic energy production dropped at the same time, China new energy component exports key to adopt a more lenient policy. Of course tera gold, in the long run,United States with the help of China new energy products to the Green new deal power in practice, is nothing more than a transition policy. On one hand, on the subjective, United States energy policy is still not out of the autonomy and safety to the ultimate objective of two major areas, this trend by energy products on the special significance of the decision on non-traditional security; on the other hand, objectively, as new production technology of energy products andTechnology continues to improve, as well as general manufacturing costs in China and gradually increase, China's advantages in new energy production can only maintain their trade competitiveness in the short term, United States local decline in new energy production costs will be gradually promoting the return of its production. This sense, the United States anti-dumping investigations against China solar module "banner of light" is just short termLai Chinese manufacturing their new energy development strategy, which is by no means reflects the United States society for China new energy component exports the real attitudes and strategic intent. Trainee Others:

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