Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera power leveling China has established with all countries in all continents of the world trade -

129773822106406250_91In December 2001, China's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) since more than 10 years, China's industrialization, urbanization and globalization of the economy, driven by great changes have taken place. The WTO, China has established with all countries in all continents of the world trade, from developing to developed countries, from traditional to emerging markets, forming a multi-levelAnd diversified economic and trade patterns. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) published by the World Economic Outlook report that, China is becoming the world's biggest impetus to economic development. China's rapid economic rise inevitable challenge to traditional international economic pattern formation. Us and European institutional obstacles to further challenges to countries such as China, and through the trade remedy measures, strengthening on the Green, newSource industrial and trade protection of electronic information products, increasing trade friction.����Especially in the current weak growth in demand on the international market, more and more developing countries into the global economic context, participation in the international division of labour, States compete for international market competition will become more intense, trade would make the market competition situation more complicated. 10 years of China's accession to world tradeTrend and characteristics of new friction, mainly for: trade conflicts experienced by developed and developing countries is not symmetrical; is closely related to economic development and trade friction; gradually to the mandatory technical regulations and regulations-oriented direction, increasing the influence and expansion effect developed countries use of covert protectionist measures such as technical barriers to trade, developing countriesIs dominated by traditional trade protection instruments such as anti-dumping, and EU, United States and Japan dominate world trade in intellectual property rights in the context of the main patterns, impact of intellectual property protection in developing countries continues to deepen. At the same time, China has become the world center of trade friction. According to WTO statistics, since 1995, by 2010 tera power leveling, China has 16 consecutiveYears as the world's biggest victim of the anti-dumping measures, and since 2006 for 5 years as a global countervailing measures "State of disaster". Before the WTO tera gold, trade friction facing China to limit measures such as tariffs, quotas but after China's entry into WTO, foreign competitors to trade remedies, technical barriers to trade, intellectual property rights, exchange rates, and other non-tariff barriers in ChinaForeign trade system in the field of challenge and has become a competitive advantage. At present, foreign trade friction involved gradually towards the high end products, foreign trade investigation affirmative relief to China increasing percentage; implementation of the carbon tax will have a major impact on China's foreign trade and economic development; developed strict export restrictions on high-tech products to China, China's introduction of abroad highPort technologies more difficult; consumption of resources and raw materials necessary to develop high-tech industries, or become the focus of foreign trade to China. And these areas are China's future development of "strategic high ground". The research report on global trade friction (2011) from a global perspective, China's major trading partners and key industry perspective on China's domestic industryGeneral overview of the situation in international trade disputes.����Friction characteristics for an objective analysis of the situation on global trade and, through invocation of in-depth analysis of typical cases and rulings in response to difficulties in the process of international trade friction and key issues, explore the strategy choice of China's trade friction. The research report on global trade friction (2011) is currently in China on trade remediesNew areas of friction data, content, system performance tera power leveling, and involve a wide range of comprehensive research. Through our analysis and thought, for all concerned, the focus on industry and trade, concerned about the economy and trade, trade friction concerns at all levels of Government, business and industry organizations to offer support and analysis of data related to the Foundation. Others:

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