Sunday, April 15, 2012

tera gold economic slowdown will result in a hard landing in China - BFW

129779483511093750_133"The financial network reporter Xuemei" on April 3, Spring Capital Group President Hu (micro-blogging) said in an interview with the reporter of the financial network, compared to last year, up to now, this year's investment environment, there is no fundamental change. He believes that poor market performance in China last year tera gold, a large part of policy uncertainty, uncertaintyThis year continue to exist.  Capital market investment environment in China this year, opportunities as well as challenges faced.  Hu think, I'm afraid of China capital market last year was one of the worst performing market of global capital markets, while China's GDP economic growth with better performance, but there is still a lot of uncertainty caused by. He said that part of global financial markets do notCertainty, of course, is the domestic policy uncertainty, including macro-economic control would last long tera power leveling, has little impact on the economy, economic slowdown will result in a hard landing in China, there is the Central Bank for liquidity control, means that the stock market will be suppressed. He said this year's capital markets are still lagging behind, although slightly rebounded, but still relativelyLag. For investments in new industries, Hu said, "I do not rule out new medium has good growth prospects tera gold, but do not forget that, as investors, new industries have a great deal of uncertainty, their business model is stable, technology is advanced, this has a great deal of uncertainty and risk. The "Boao Forum for Asia 2012-year annual meetingMedia reprinted from Sina, SINA posted this article for the purpose of passing more information, does not mean to endorse their views or confirm the description. Article content is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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