Thursday, April 19, 2012

tera gold management persons Han Yue-Feng. Dragon-win investments is also similar - TRJ

129784668290366250_572Private-Ji Tajing won the Swiss hit lightning fall End of another quarter melee, private Lakes "chengtou changes flag King". Has experienced since the beginning of this year, "roller coaster"-like after the changes in the market, private seating, Sun has been rearranged. According to flush iFinD statistics in the first quarter, and in 1145 with comparable data in non-structured private equity products, Crystal Lion King with an 39.3% return top; last year championsSwiss 1 rose 3%, top middle. In the Shanghai composite index rose in the first quarter of 3% cases, a negative statistics there were 418 products in return. June rich 1-returns the bottom of robust growth. Crystal Tower "the beast" returns 30% benchmark rose just cent of cases, sunny private highest rate of close to 40% in the first quarter, this achievement is impressive。 In contrast, common equity in public-fund equity funds Invesco great wall of rank being the core competitiveness, and only 14% per cent. There are three products to achieve a return on 30% above, Lion King, namely Tower ceramic Tower Crystal Lion King and German sources, 2nd stage 1. Followed closely by 淼 1 tera gold, rose 29.7%, Tak Yuen on strategic growth, rose, 3rd 29.2%.In addition, Crystal Tiger 1 period of return reached 27%. Crystal Tower-style this year, but because of the serious performance loss two years prior, Crystal Lion King and the lion Tower ceramic Tower's net worth is still hovering near $ 0.5~0.6, 2nd, has not been out of the shadow of being wound up. Crystal tower above three per capita product management for the cold and clear, this newspaper to have said he was optimistic about this yearStock market, think the bull market cycle has arrived. This year riding the rhythms and hot in the market, achieving results reversed, but the sail with the wind can state how long is unknown. Yun Cheng Tai Wei Shangyun management series with eye-catching performance, Yun Cheng Tai 3, Yun Chengtai value-added and productivity during the second period, return above 20%. And as always, private equity products in the first quarterEnd gap is still very large. Worst Grand richer solid growth phase 1, gained only-16%, and differs from the first in more than 50%. This achievement is much lost to stock funds last name-Arthur Andersen-rich advantages of growth, return on the Fund-7.6%. In the countdown in the queue tera power leveling, there are three of the company's product line losses. The Mingyuan investment, owned by MingFar return on 2, 3, 4 per cent,-3.1% and-4.8% respectively, Mingyuan Barclays-3.4%, management persons Han Yue-Feng. Dragon-win investments is also similar, Tong Diyi Dragons won in the management of growth, 1th, long win, 1TH and 2nd return-,-1.6% and-7.2% respectively. Star stone is famous for its good at control risksDepartment, is too conservative in the first quarter, its products without a rose, Star stones between -1%~0 1~22 decreases in Basic. Naomasa investment performance for its many products loss, Naomasa 7-and 8-period decreases by more than 5%. Gold preferred series all their negative returns. In addition, Xu Yong management value of foresight and William l. Rowe-Canton in the East of the new series of mediocre performance, onlyHas made small gains. 2010 leave China Fund company investment company Sun Jiandong Hong Road, also not ideal, 5 products have only 3 losses. To want the performance continued to be at the forefront, is not an easy thing. According to Warburg securities statistics, SEO 1 to yield last year ranked private equity tops. But as of this year, but overall losses in the。 Swiss 1 to return was ranked 480 near Shui No 2~6 of one positive gains, losses were more than 3%, Swiss advantage rose just 1 period 2.2%. Average losses of 7 product 2.3%. The saying goes, "and everything", recent infighting was pushed on the forefront of investment with ease, performance is also bleak. Include 17Products, the average gained only-1.5%, 9 of them losses, and other gains are below 3%. Jiang g c independent bid management advantage 7 income-4.3%, involved in the management of medical products, performance is also not ideal, not including medical phase 2 up 1.1% with ease, the rest were recorded. Other established private minsen, freshwater spring, Wudang,Wei, Duo and other products, the performance is more robust. Rui, Naomasa unfortunately stepped on mines while lifting one quarter rally flag is a large blue-chip stocks, led by brokerage unit, but the sun still did not forget the private and small-cap stocks in the search for "dark horse". As of April 4, have been published in the annual reports of listed companies, 103 companies of ten private shareholders can be seen in the Sun in circulation figure, which25 small plate stock 31, gem. Unfortunately, the small caps overall performance in the first quarter was not ideal, tumbled gem is encounter, decreased overall by 7%. Swiss 3-and 4-shares of Amway unfortunately down 20% in the first quarter, dragging two products decreased and 4.8%; 5 but only Sen far shares held, the unit in the first quarter fell by 2.1%, two new electronic products decreased by 5.2%; animal medicine unit of the Wudang three products in China tera gold, or 6.4%. Sun Jiandong ambush of two agricultural stocks was also not to force--to the Denon and Dunhuang seed industry in rapid dive in late March, leading to decreased in the first quarter and 13.6%. However, there are also some private equityDug up value and small-cap stocks. Informed of three stock China products hold gem was recorded, a quarter of the unit 15%. Quad tech shares held by the two products, was up 10%. Furthermore Daniel share-bashing, Wudang target return on the 3rd period and the Wudang 17 four-quarter period last year into the Yu Shun electronics, up 43.8% in the first quarter of this year. Ze-Hee4 accurate stationed in Sichuan during the same run shares, rose in the first quarter of 38.4%. But it also brought new SPC but no such luck, or 20.6% in the first quarter. Others:

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