Thursday, April 5, 2012

tera power leveling leading insurance company solvencyIncreased pressure. 04 gold-line statement -

129777246139062500_4Vice Chairman of the China insurance regulatory Commission Chen recently in 2012 year insurance financial meeting pointed out that in the first quarter, capital constraints and capital replenishment is a major part of solvency regulation and solvency management tera power leveling, capital replenishment for the insurance industry rapid healthy and sustainable development, protection of the interests of the insured has a very important significance. Industry-wide to wisdom, active capital managementAnd working capital replenishment. Chen points out that, in recent years, with solvency regulation system of continuous improvement and implementation of the system of continuous enhancement of the insurance industry established the capital of the basic concept tera gold, made certain achievements in capital replenishment, but situation still facing the insurance company capital management more complex. Is the solvency regulation increasingly rigid constraints, requirementsInsurance companies must deal with business development and relationship management, coordination of development. II is the current accounting standard for business enterprises to introduce fair value measurement properties, significantly increased the volatility of the value of assets and liabilities of insurance companies, capital management has put forward higher requirements. Third, rising capital market uncertainty, in particular last year's stock market bond market double down, leading insurance company solvencyIncreased pressure. 04 gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly tera power leveling, at your own risk. Others:

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