Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera gold or even lower. On Samsung phonesMany of the parts - IOP

129773908967187500_5If Apple and Google kxiantu overlay at the side, you will find the two surprisingly similar: apples this year, rose is Google pirate of the year 2007. But unfortunately is, Google shares in 2007 reached 747 dollars after never come up. Beijing time on March 19, the dividend policy for the first time since Apple unveiled 17.On that day, Apple shares closed at $ 600 mark for the first time. Dividend impact remains to be seen, in the past, when investors decided to buy apples, they consider how much is iPad sold, Apple's stock price can rise as much. But now, they have more simple incentives, that pursuing return on dividends of 1.8%. On Monday evening, Apple announced a dividend plan, Annual payment of about US $ 9.9 billion to shareholders, dividend-paying us $ 2.65 per share. At the same time, company intends in the next 3 years to implement 10 billion dollar share buyback plan. This means that Apple will be within the next 3 years to return $ 45 billion to shareholders ' funds of these two ways. Of course, just as generous, mainly because Apple has too strong cash reservePreparation. By the end of December last year, Apple's cash and liquid assets to total US $ 97.6 billion, while the market expected free cash flow of more than $ 60 billion in 2012. However, Apple launched the dividend policy is difficult to "Digest" its massive cash reserves. Analyst expects Apple to generate cash flow of US $ 40 billion this year, next year and afterYear will reach $ 50 billion and 60 billion dollars. In other words, the next 3 years the company can generate $ 150 billion in cash deduct dividends and buy back the return of us $ 45 billion, net of cash will increase by almost US $ 100 billion. However, the dividends Act appears to be Silicon Valley company's "taboo". Steve? Jobs said this, cash returnTo the investor, means that the company has lost its imagination. The daily economic news reporter noted that, judging from the current dividend rate of technology stocks, Apple (1.8%) now second only to United States telephone and Telegraph (5.61%) VERIZONE (5.09%) tera gold, Microsoft (2.42%) and HP (2.01%). Microsoft, for example, 2003 January announced dividend, shares plunged after the 1 month 50%. 9 years later, Microsoft's share price since January 2003 highs still close 80%; another technology giant Cisco systems, in March 2011, announces dividend, gained so far is 17%, only 10% p 500 beat earlier. Empty sound crescendoWall Street bullish on Apple and shouting "buy a strong buy! "Shi tera power leveling, EdwardZabitsky bearish view is truly dazzling. "People all over the North America drop me a mail, from Radiology scholars to the auto mechanic, said I was an idiot. "As a telecommunications industry expert, and Toronto ACIResearch founder and Chief of the practiceRow officers, Zabitsky admitted. On January 24, 2012, Apple reported its iPhone sales reached a record level of the previous quarter, while the net profit in the quarter to $ 13.06 billion, an increase of 118% and performance in large part because of the pride strong iPhone sales. But the very next day, ZabitSky has stated in his report, Apple's future it is hard to continue to maintain their star product of robust iPhone profit margin, as increased competition with Android and Windows Mobile phones, iPhone gross margins fell to 50% from the current iPad and Mac 25%, or even lower. On Samsung phonesMany of the parts, it cost more, as soon as the price war broke out in the future, Samsung will overtake other competitors, including Apple. "In fact, it was some of the flaws inherent in the current Web application is causing the explosive similar to the Apple app store, but future development of HTML5 will overcome these shortcomings, implement user-even if no network can also make someOperations, which would mean the end of Apple's closed ecosystem of application development. Now, Apple is the only player in this eco-system, but its advantage in calculating gradually weakened in the process of the shift to the cloud. "Zabitsky further pointed out. Now, with another bearish, and EdwardZabitsky was no longer a single shadowOnly. Had two successful prediction of United States stock market lows of the famous Wall Street investors, United States President of Seabreeze asset management company DougKass, recently said he was not optimistic about Apple's future, potential impact of supply, macro-economic weakness, increasing competition will make Apple's road is not flat. Market the callback to the maximum riskAbout whether Apple's share price has peaked, "gushen" Warren Buffett gives a point worth pondering: the next 5-10 years to predict the future of coke is not complicated, but to predict Apple was not easy. Buffett's caution may come from distrust of the Corporation. In addition, the daily economic news reporter found that since last December, the AppleFruit's share price has risen to 44%. Super buy from point of view, this is one of the most overbought in the Apple history. Secondly, as Apple shares continue record highs, Wall Street has been raised the target price, almost no one institution is an active air. For example, Goldman Sachs this week will raise the price target from us $ 660 directly to $ 700, when in January the stockWhen the $ 425, Jefferies said the target price US $ 550. According to statistics, in the second week of March, at least more than more than 10 analysts up Apple target price, of which at least 8 analyst target price raised to more than $ 700. Nanhua futures macro-Director Zhang Yiwei said to the daily economic news, jobs after leaving office,Apple's new leadership has changed, at least for the general attitude on so. Either a bonus or a buy back, can support the current share price. Although the market worried about whether Apple's share price has peaked, but from now on this is a bit too far. On one hand, corporate competitiveness is still, especially some of the core products still occupies a dominant position in the market.The other hand, a single product falling margins may occur tera gold, but on shareholder returns in the future will be diversified, is no longer just a rose. On Apple patents into account and there is not much problem, really need to be wary of the future is not the company's shares may collapse, but the entire United States market rising too fast, might be at risk adjustment. Others:

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