Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera power leveling 473 headlines people living in/enpproperty--> saw the picture - LCK

129773993464687500_43Channel Home | Emotion | Fashion | Health | Insurance | Special topics | Original series | Entertainment | Roam | Face to face | Pictures | The Forum | Blog | Circle >> Home >> >> live >> headline news2012-03-27 16:46:42.0 young children falling scissors into the doctors the skull: dangerous goods must receive good scissors dangerous weapon 2,473 headlines people living in/enpproperty--> saw the picture, no one does not feel anxious for their children. This photo attachedUser "Daniel 5,466" evening of the day before yesterday issued a SINA weibo front, screen, a pair of scissors was deeply inserted a child's right cheek. This microblog soon attracted the attention of netizens, everyone is asking, did children surgery?   Escape do? 3:32 P.M. yesterday, "Daniel 5,466" finally brings the good news: "4 hoursAfter the surgery, boy injured meninges and skull have been fixed. "We really don't want to make people look alarmed, this photo on the layout.   Figure of this pair of scissors is almost under the children's "lethal weapon", sharp, sharp, dangerous at that time, as you can imagine. 3 years old boy, playing with scissors play out yesterday at about 6 o'clock in the afternoon, mindFinally made contact on the little boy's father Mr NGAN, because when the accident, he had a long day and a night without sleep a wink, but children out of danger after all, Mr NGAN was pleased with the only slightly. Mr NGAN said, proud son was 3 years old this year. About 4 o'clock in the afternoon the day before yesterday, he finished in Hangzhou, was driving back to jiashan, jiaxing service area near the car, suddenly gotHis wife's phone, say that the child's face was pierced by scissors. His wife said by telephone tera gold, when the accident occurred, she is Internet in the rooms, Xuan Xuan is playing in the living room.   Suddenly tera power leveling, she heard from the children in the kitchen crying, ran, only to find a pair of scissors into a proud faces. "The pair of scissors, cut vegetables are usually children and Grandma used to kill fish, kids several timesTo post, you want to play, but we think are too dangerous, and did not give him, and every good. "Mr NGAN said, behold, this once proud to move stool, climb up to take the scissors," children are small, probably not stand up stools, scissors into his face. "Evacuation Shanghai, pull out the scissors 4-hour emergency operation at that time tera gold, Mr NGANHis wife rushed to send their children to the hospital. Children first to jiashan first people's Hospital.   Doctors see seriously, bandage, told the children to stay go to the second Hospital of jiaxing. 5 o'clock in the afternoon, jiaxing, Xuan Xuan was taken to the hospital emergency room, CT show, scissors tip through the children in the right temporal bone into the brain, the situation was extremely critical. Several brain surgeons hospitalJoint consultation on, we discussed a bit, that has inserted the scissors tip intracranial, immediately go to the best University Hospital in Shanghai. Children rushed to Shanghai.   Initially, he was taken to the Huashan hospital Shanghai children's hospital doctors suggested to more professional. At about 10 o'clock in the evening, Xuan Xuan was eventually taken to the children's Hospital in Shanghai.   At about 11 o'clock, surgery began. HandHad been yesterday at about 3 o'clock in the morning, for as long as 4 hours. Scissors had finally been taken out. 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