Monday, April 16, 2012

tera power leveling as consumer awareness of owners are not in place - NFY

129788443077500000_312To vigorously develop the property services industry, standardized property management, improve the quality of property services, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Government this year for "property management in Inner Mongolia." Inner Mongolia around the checks will focus on property services, property management enterprise's illegal business practices are not in place, against the legitimate rights and interests of owners, owners ' complaints are more concentrated, and so on. Sunshine community corner this newspaperReporter Li Weihong text/graph property missing 10 of pavement pot, badly broken, on the surface from time to time to see any loose paper and plastic bags and other debris.  A stacked on the ground is clean burning of solid waste, gives off a white smoke of qiangren.  This is April 8, Huimin District, Daqing road, Huhhot Sun Community. 2003 property companyWithdrawal of the Sun has nearly 10 years of the community, continue to this day with no property management.  Today, with more than 10 residential buildings and more than 500 households of the community, property services, scavenging and guarding bicycles only two. It is understood that the Sun community by the development and construction of Hohhot city Xinyuan real estate development company. In 2000, when, by developers under the property of subsidiaryProperty management.  Resident Matt Lilley is the first owner of community, he told reporters, at that time the purchase each had more than 2000 gas pipeline installation fee of more than $, but admitted to developers in the yard only after you install a large LPG tank solve gas supply, fees will be $ 8/m, residents are not satisfied with this. Later, after residents of the "struggle", a pipeGas is finally solved. Community project but there were problems, such as poor quality of underground pipes, and so on, under such circumstances, some residents began refusing to pay the property charges.  Property companies due to operational difficulties, after 3 years of operation, withdrawal of their own community. Sunshine community there is no owners ' Committee. Several residents interviewed said, community organizing, management more difficult. UN-HabitatThe people, saying: "community residents with various excuse do not pay property charges, after no owners propose property management company, because property companies, please to not charge had to withdraw.  "In an interview, several old owner spontaneously hope for the Government community improvement project, want to face the livelihood projects improve community environment. So far there is no owners ' Committee at theNew territory of Northern xingan road, Beichen District, Hohhot owners for 2010 admission.  However, in less than 3 years, the contradiction of property management has saved a bamboo basket: garbage is not timely, the environment is clean, building intercom system fault repair for six months without maintenance, property companies allowed to improve car rental charges. Problems for the owners to reflect, in charge of the smallProperty management properties in Hohhot, Xiang Chen Dong Guishan said when interviewed by this reporter, General Manager of the company, every day special partitioning area responsible for scavenging at any time, debris, did it keep it clean at any time; the corridor door video intercom system in March had just failed all maintenance, rental and parking spaces has been most owners agree, because the community there are 250 parking spaces, According to the new standard cost has 183 families the rental formalities. Dong Guishan also has difficulties: household waste directly from the window and throws, throw cigarette butts, and so on.  Charge rental fees in order to achieve the orderly management of the vehicle, if you had free access, or even stops in Greenland, blocked fire exits, the inevitable damage to the road. North Star New Territories community current occupancy ratesAt 95%, under the Ordinance of property management, has an owners ' Committee of the condition, but the young people accounted for the vast majority of owners in the community, mostly as usual busy with work, so far there is no owners ' Committee. Hohhot, Deputy Director of Department of housing management property Duan Loufang to the North, reported over the weekend that, vehicles were involved in the community parking order management, road maintenance, soIs a reasonable fee, but the price increase shall seek the views of all the owners.  Total parking spaces for rented parking spaces clearance, to prove that the owners, is a misinterpretation. Effects less than satisfactory performance of the Commission set up a community of owners ' Committee, played a real role is also not satisfactory. In early March 2011, Huimin District our family estate stone Meng Rong property company to evacuate the smallThe district, community water, garbage no removal, inconvenience to the residents ' lives. On April 9, our family neighborhood Director Zhang Fengming told the newspaper at the weekend in the North, due to the owners ' Committee will reduce property and property company negotiations fail, 3 months ago, owners of community properties in Congress dismiss the company's decision, the industry authority on inadequate preparations for the withdrawal of the property, leading to smallIn "paralysis". In some communities, is more common industry authority null and void. Zhang Xiurong landscape community of vendors, Zhang Xiurong were elected as officers after the establishment of the Commission. Community is living by this family, acquaintances, always looking for owners to do due to the fees, and resolving disputes in the community, family worried about hurting colleagues face after that dissuade Zhang Xiurong exitAuthority.  Zhang Xiurong, members of the owners ' Committee in addition to the time tera power leveling, but also personal money, which also affected some members of the Committee's work. Duan Loufang to reporters, current total community of more than 3,500 more in Hohhot, 247 professional property companies, new community property company 100% cover, loss of old residential property management, HuiArea, Yuquan District, the vast majority of the community engage in property services are not registered in the industrial and commercial sectors of professional property services company. It is understood that the present Hohhot city property management situation is not optimistic, most of the old community is a planned economy era organs, enterprises, workers ' residential areas, infrastructure is not perfect, because of lack of professional property management companies stationed in the management, maintenance,Underground pipe network of housing body, old age, dirty, disorderly and bad environment.  While the number of new residential property management tera gold, as consumer awareness of owners are not in place tera gold, some malicious default on property services and enterprises such as artificial costs rising, property facing business difficulties. According to statistics, property in Hohhot corporate accounted for 40%, flat corporate cent company profits, loss-making enterprises30%. At the same time, owners construction clearly lagging behind. Owners are now 320, but health is not efficient. Others:

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