Monday, April 16, 2012

tera gold shows the audience recognized this TV play - ULT

129788454858281250_97Dong-e e-Jiao TV ratings and shares advertising implantation echoes Show placement for the audience is no longer new, today placement has penetrated medieval drama. Recently, the users found in the hit play in the Zhen 嬛, a brand of donkey-hide gelatin frequently show up, not only the main character in the play of lines have appeared in more than 20 times, also appeared in physical form. Some netizens joked, of the Zhen 嬛 a "donkey-hide gelatin". A goodTV drama can help a brand of commercial value is enhanced and expanded, and recently hit the Zhen 嬛, rumors of implantation of paying millions of dollars in advertising costs to a donkey-hide gelatin brand, become a recent hot topic in the major media and entertainment. Brands frequently appeared on March 26 of the Zhen 嬛 Zhen 嬛 in Anhui TV broadcast, was launched today to 0.813% ratings rank national third place. From the bright little holiday began in early April, audience attention to the "Dong-e e-Jiao" Zhen 嬛 biography of the frequency of occurrence of increasingly higher tera power leveling, not only play the Imperial concubines, Maid the Imperial doctor is reading about, the main characters are eaten, even the Emperor rewarded also appeared in "Dong-e e-Jiao" box LOGO. SINA microblog search on "EastDonkey-hide gelatin ", most of them are friends for" Zhao Zhen war of words "and resist Yen meaning that the posts of donkey-hide gelatin brand. Dong-e e-Jiao's shares in March 30 to close $ 40.32, is in decline. At present the latest data of the Zhen 嬛 1.332%, became national champion on the day many times. SINA microblog search "Dong-e e-Jiao", the latest of hundredsPosts are implanted on Dong-e e-Jiao Zhen 嬛 biography. Ching Ming holidays since the end of April 5, Dong-e e-jiao to $ 40.05 falling market rallies after opening until April 12 to close $ 41.89, a rising trend. Companies ratings date opening closing ratings with the Zhen 嬛 ($) ($) (%) on March 30.321.0874 ratings and stock prices corresponds to 40.0541.181.1054 12th 41.541.891.309 analysis and comparison of data by these phenomena are not difficult to find, in the early broadcast of the Zhen 嬛, "Dong-e e-Jiao" stock prices are in decline tera power leveling, down $ 2 within 5 days. As Zhen 嬛, programRates rising, "Dong-e e-Jiao" Nineth episode started the play on stage, becoming "harem wonder". After working day started, Dong-e e-Jiao's shares are on the rise. Reporters found that in the TV series of the Zhen 嬛 "Dong-e e-Jiao" is the placement of the name of the enterprise, along with the TV series popular all the way, before the enterprise not only out of the yen "mouthpiece" problemAlso become a recent hot topic in the major media and entertainment. Response is indeed not make deletion of brand implantation Dong-e e-Jiao head of media relations in an interview with reporters tera gold, said: "companies really are implanted in the Zhen 嬛 biography of some brand elements. But this is only one way in the process of branding, the company also in other brands of publicity work in the same period,This is difficult to judge the play have a direct impact on sales. "For Dong-e e-Jiao as the brand into paying a cost of millions of dollars on rumors, head of the noncommittal, saying only that" due to involve confidentiality contract, specific cooperation with the Zhen 嬛 details revealed in the way ". The Zhen 嬛 biography of party propaganda department heads in an interview with reporters, said: "ad plantIn the TV series are common, and the Zhen 嬛 donkey-hide gelatin appears and the number of scenes and does not affect the development of the story itself, is to invite the Viewer to focus more on drama. "Anhui TV broadcast TV publicity official clearly told reporters:" the Zhen 嬛 program is very good, shows the audience recognized this TV play, we will respect the original TV plays notThe Zhen 嬛 excision. ” Others:

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