Wednesday, April 18, 2012

tera power leveling the possibility to seek additional funds to increase. Therefore - IBJ

129784668247866250_462Ningbo push advance registration system for prevention of commercial housing developers sell more This reporter learned from the housing and urban-rural construction in Ningbo city, Zhejiang Province, in order to prevent "selling" phenomenon, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of House, introduced from the 9th house advance registration system in Ningbo city. So-called advance registration of commercial housing, is after the buyers sign a purchase contract, but before running the certificate tera power leveling, to a housing application, claim its own registration Department in advance for the purchase of housingReal rights. Advance registration can be seen as a real right, purchasers of notice registration equivalent to get their own housing property plus the "security lock", after advance registration, without consent of the advance registration of rights holders, and subsequent sale is invalid. According to reports, at present, Ningbo has a more complete system of commercial contracts for the record, but the developers "sell more" possibilitySo there. Due to the sale of commercial housing in the market most is a property under construction, from the conclusion of the contract for the record to the final room, generally require 1-2 years. In the context of current market regulation severely, developers money chain generally tense tera power leveling, death came as desperation to engage in "a House sold", the possibility to seek additional funds to increase. Therefore, implementation of the House advance notice registration system, forPrevent "selling" phenomenon, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests is very necessary to purchase. In addition, purchasing commercial synchronized advance registration and implementation, there are commercial housing purchasing mortgage advance registration. Where commercial housing purchasing advance registration is a prerequisite for handling commercial housing purchasing mortgage advance registration. Ningbo construction Committee head of real estate trade center, forward purchasing commercial house mortgageAdvance registration, can prevent the developer has sold a House of repeated mortgage, cash money at the Bank. Conditions are ripe tera gold, second-hand advance registration is more or less to implement. Others:

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