Sunday, April 8, 2012

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129770904379843750_90You are here: Home > Home > Guide today from: time: March 23, 12 authors: Yan Ying font size: large small no shortage of concerns and questions of Chinese high-star hotel market reactions: according to the January 2012 China Hotels Association announced the latest five-starDisplayed level directory of hotels, five-star hotels throughout the country have amounted to 651, to be built around, and had just finished building under construction in accordance with five-star standard hotel about 500 projects.   Although the number is growing fast, average occupancy rate of hotel market in China is not optimistic. According to the hotel portal of network statistics, 2011 during the first 9 months, China hotel occupancyRates are 61%, in the hotel industry consultation and investigation bodies STRGlobal track 15 major countries in Asia in the lowest. First tier high-star hotel was built is not too crazy?   This is a problem. 98 up to China National Tourism in Guangdong Hotel Association data shows that last number 3-star hotels throughout the country as a whole the average annual increaseLong is 6%, while the number of five-star hotels with an average annual growth rate of more than 15%.   By 2015, will break through the thousands the number of five-star hotels throughout the country. On the number of five-star hotels, to 98 in Guangdong province ranks first of all over the country, among which accounted for 23. Top number of cities there are 62 Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and 53 20。 In Pearl River new city, Guangzhou CBD area, after top-end Brands Hilton Kang Laide settles in, super luxurious yacht hotel in Dubai, to the US group admission, within and around a km, has stood the four seasons, Ritz-Carlton, Grand Hyatt tera power leveling, Kwok Tak International, Eastern Mediterranean, Royal international, more than high-star hotel. According to the net release of the 20February 12-star hotel opened throughout the country statistics show that opened in Guangdong in February this year accounted for the number of high-star hotel star hotel business 18%. Study says recent hotel industry driven by real estate hotels investment, new hotel set volume. According to CB Richard Ellis (CBRE) research report, Asia hotels 2011Investment tera gold, investment in mainland China accounted for 31% of the total investment in the Asian region as a whole.   Introduction and debate whether excess capacity hotel consultant's Chief Knowledge Officer Zhao Huanyan believes that although China's overall surplus supply of hotel rooms, many foreign well known hotel chain brand "defiance", seek more expansion. Zhao Huanyan table recognitionCompared with developed markets in Europe and America, first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou high-star hotel occupancy rates, average rate has appeared to decline. According to the information provided by him, 2011 quarter, China's average house price $ 222.15, three-star hotel with an average occupancy rate of 61.65%, four star average prices of $ 359.81 and the average occupancy rate63.65%, five-star average house price $ 699.23, average occupancy rates of 63.85%. "Internationally accepted standards is that hotel occupancy rate of less than 60% can hardly be guaranteed.   "Zhao Huanyan said, China star hotel to overcapacity in the industry, mainly because of excessive expansion and homogenization of competition. In his view, China's hotel industryStream has become the real estate development industry and international hotel management, local high-end hotel brand is increasingly marginalized.   Zhao Huanyan believes that counter-measures must be local to the hotel general reception number and the actual number to receive information, commercial way for approval of the bearing capacity of intervention, or hearing, backward CAP and closed. "FrontlineCity high-star hotel plot ratio is far healthier than many comments. "Bai Siyuan, Chief Executive of IHG greater China yangcheng evening news reporter interview yesterday threw a different view," Although some urban markets in the short term a little indigestion, a hotel to consider long-term development is at least 20 years, in the long term demand for high-star hotel still has a lot of first-tier cities."He even thinks that, in 2025, China will overtake United States to become the largest hotel market. News links: International Hotel in China according to volume growth, including Starwood, Hilton, Marriott, the main ten international high-end brands company near the hotel will be opened in the country for not less than 5 years 623 stores。 Apart from international hotel China market, Chinese elements of attention paid to the hotel.   Other than InterContinental, France Grand Mercure Accor Hotel Group also announced that it would under brand repositioning as a custom branded hotel in China, France Lew floating hotels in Jinjiang Star Alliance and cooperation recently, directly in the France market implant China Hotel elements. Hotel is under constructionInterContinental over more than 160 over more than 150 Hilton 31 Hong 41 18 Shangri-La tera gold, 47jiawan 30 3 years increased to 60 Others:

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