Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera gold ultimately t-149-140 beat VS. Lok Fu cut 51 points 14 rebounds - RWI

129770966804531250_286 <a href="">tera gold</a>1/52/53/54/55/5 Yahoo Sports News Beijing time on March 24 against VS Thunder arena, the two sides separated only after two overtime victory, ultimately t-149-140 beat VS. Lok Fu cut 51 points 14 rebounds, creating career scoring record. T-three little more was cut down 110 points. ThunderThunderbolt, Kevin-Durant 40 points, 17 rebounds and 5 assists, Russell-wisdom Brock 45 min 6 assists, James-25 points, 6 rebounds and 6 assists. Forest-Wolf, Kevin-carefour won by 51 points 14 rebounds, but two extra time is only 4 minutes. JJ-Baria 25 points, 14 assists and 10 rebounds,Anthony Taliaferro 23, Luke-lidenuo 13. While still head of the West, and Thunder recently reeling tera power leveling, fluctuating between total in winning or losing. Today face the same as "young" forest of wolves, t-not to the least expensive. Two teams to attack duigong, Thunder on the front three of 30 points, leading into the 94-88, section. Lok Fu, fabulous, 5 threes in the first half investment, the fourth section he rates VS counterattack. When this section is 54.6 sec, his follow-up shot from succeeding, Baria after tackling a successful tera gold, fast break Layup rating, forest Wolf who had 4 points, score 113-113. Durant in this section also has a 3.9-second vote in a three-part, Thunder ahead again, but the climax of the match had just come, carefour in temporaryImmediately after stopping you with one of three minutes, both war 113-113, also left to t-1 second. Durant in the three-part, the two sides into extra time. Forest wolves has a chance to win the match, in the first extra time you have three seconds to 46.3 the lead. Unfortunately, the t-less double punch, hit a ball, Durant after three successful, banping will score. Wolf forestNot after the shooting, and again between the two sides into extra time. T this time firmly in control of the situation, the second extra time had been leading. The final 2 minutes and 24 seconds before, Baria break Layup, wolves to score into the forest of 138-140. Durant and wisdom Brock succeeded one after another, and new Fisher in the final 28 seconds or three minutes before hitting, t-149-138 ledFirst, lock shengju. (Editor: Shen Minqing) Others:

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