Saturday, April 21, 2012

tera power leveling form is not valid. If this location is close to the following - XUK

129784668208335000_360If wearing. Daryl GuppY: upward trend in oil prices or to continue Weeks oil prices on the New York Mercantile Exchange has long-term rising trend line graphs in the form overturn shoulder shape. This suggests that upward trend of the past few weeks are likely to be in the test again after 100 dollar rebound in supporting regional and sustainable. Overturn shoulder shape can also be used to measure running to calculate a target price. Head and shoulders patterns are generally considered to be appear in reverse form of main trend turning points。 In 2008 and 2009 is to use this form to make judgments. In a rising trend, we expect to form a head and shoulders pattern, not expected to overturn shoulder form appears. When the form appears and the long-term trend in the opposite direction tera power leveling, they are continued form. Weeks oil prices on the New York commodity exchange the overturn of the shoulder in a line form the left shoulder in 2011Formed July lows near $ 91. Head in the form of dense low formed near the $ October 2011. Right shoulder by a rebound in December 2011, in the vicinity of us $ 94, down to form. These down, bounce overturn the combined form of shoulder shape tera power leveling, it appeared in April 2011 after the high of $ 114. FormJanuary 2012 and July 2011 from $ 99 high neck line draw between highs of $ 101. Other way around the low point of the head and neck is measured by the distance between the lines. Measuring results up-casting tera gold, to above the target of around $ 125. Another important feature of the New York Mercantile Exchange as oil prices are rising long-term trend line. This rising trend linePlaying a supporting role from September 2010 to June 2011. Runs to June 2011 prices below the trend line, the line from the support line into a pressure line. Long-term upward trend line extending to the future. The line pressure line plays a new role, limits the price above $ 100 support/pressure price levels. Location of this line isTo help establish rising potential highs of any breakthrough. Overturn shoulder shape estimation of targets and a long-term upward trend line pressure the target level of $ 125 by the same. Two forms that help to establish any price rises may be limited, but they tell us when will this price there is no help. Overturn shoulder form is reliable, but is not veryAccurate. If prices run to the following right shoulder low near $ 94, form is not valid. If this location is close to the following, confirms that overturn shoulders patterns have failed. Others:

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