Thursday, April 5, 2012

tera gold 000 miles away from his hometown - QFL

129771810037593560_121Fenghuangwang sporting news recently, United States Sports Illustrated magazine's lengthy reports ' in China's basketball stories, translated from United States Sports Illustrated (Sports Illustrated) magazine – in China, ' find United States dreams when Marbury 2010 came when the Chinese Basketball League, it is easy to be associated as an NBAAbandoned children caught the last barrel of washing gold--the chance of his talents have been killed out in New York. But since the team joined the Beijing ducks last year, Marbury has completely changed his image, he inspired the ambitions of a mediocre team. Led by Marbury, Beijing duck team has for the first time in the CBA finals stage. While waiting for them in the past four years the totalChampions Guangdong Southern Tigers. Marbury, that year's McDonald's best games across the United States, 1996 NBA talent fourth dream 6 team members. Finally had a chance to win--in the 16th year of his career, made 8 teams, after the two continents. In a place where 7,000 miles away from his hometown tera gold, Marbury has succeeded in achieving the most United StatesMan's dream: find themselves again. Mabry and United States media relations are still very tense, he pushed away a lot of interviews. Unless you can guarantee he get on the cover of sports illustrated. Marbury in China eat local restaurants, Subway Line 1 line from his five-star hotel to the team's training center, interactive at any time and over 250,000 fans on Twitter, he secretly photographedPhotos, his ideas, and his motto--love is love. "He is close to his fans," March 10, Marbury topic author David Yang said. "His image of a friendly warm to its efforts in the face of the Chinese people, and he did, people like him. There has never been a sports playerCan do it, really into people, into their own fans. Marbury was the first to do, not Yao Ming, Liu Xiang doesn't work. "Marbury is 35 years old last month, not the Chinese League's first foreign aid. Many CBA teams have introduced United States players, such as Ralph bunch-Wales, Rickey, branch-Davis, love-Alstom-those areAs a mercenary to earn quick money only for the short term, until the emergence of Marbury, as a foreigner has been recognized by the Chinese fans. "In this country, especially foreigners, people here are very like to show you the true self and your desire to understand the culture of the country, communicate with them, and into the. "Jon Pastuszek said, in aBasketball passes and founder of "Marbury came here is because he needed a second chance. "Mabry in him as the China Daily (China Daily English-language newspaper) regularly writes columns said that he would retire in China, he wanted to learn Chinese (" I'm like a baby babbling. "Marbury said on Twitter, "One day I can speak Chinese, I promise. "), ' Efforts to integrate into the culture of the city," I think he certainly will consider selling the shoes, "David Yang hinted that Marbury would like an opportunity to make use of China's economic rise to develop their own Starbury brand. But things have changed. Sceptics claimed that Marbury merely showHe would like to see that, because he wanted to build his business empire in China. "He was a simple man," Shavlik Randolph-Morris said--the Beijing team's second scorer, 23.9 points behind Mabry 26.2 points. "If I could use one word to describe him, was sincere. Sincerity is everything to him, nothing in him isCamouflage. "' Efforts might only make those fed up of United States foreign aid arrogant and inefficient Chinese soccer fans satisfied, but he helped Beijing ducks team had incredible success, the CBA's image has been improved. Since the start to the Beijing ducks team record of 13 consecutive victories, surging demand for tickets for the Beijing team, many fans only cattle there to try my luck.Morris, former University of Kentucky star and NBA player, hits 56.1% in the field are assists led Beijing to get regular negative record of 21 WINS 11 '. When Li Xuelin and Lei Chen is injured, Marbury took on more responsibility, "he really is like our second coach. "Morris says," his keen insight, he has done almost everything,Scout, develop tactics, he takes us along the way to the present. "As the 2nd seed, Beijing, Zhejiang, easily eliminated in the first round of the playoffs, Marbury has played out in the match he came to China in official matches after the first dunk, dunk was China playing again with both hands. "He understands to victory in the team what he needs to do. "Long in the NBAAs teaching assistants, coaching this season of Zhejiang team-Jim Clemons said. "He's not worried about scoring, he only needs to score when he scored. At this stage of his career, he understands how better to play, when when he feels good, he will be decisive to the hand is hot teammates the ball, mature and asked him to become a very good player. "The Zhejiang teamAfter the close, Marbury led the team in Beijing and Shanxi team effectiveness before he carried out a series of controversial. When they lost their first match after Marbury two consecutive cut 52 minutes and 53 minutes, eventually leading the ducks entered the CBA finals in Beijing. And the fourth playing of the Shanxi is a farce, when 43 seconds from games, Beijing 100-Leading 97, Marcus-Williams team in Shanxi province attacked a touching the referee didn't found the Beijing team in fouls, lighters and water bottles at once, such as rain, the match was suspended for 10 minutes. When the game resumed, the referee broke up Morris a nonexistent foul (the team catch up with scores of Shanxi province), and Lei Chen to Beijing sent off (Shanxi team leading 2 points), finalShanxi Dragon 102-100 win the game. After the match, some 300 local fans besieged Beijing in Shanxi bus for more than an hour, with stones and debris hit. A 21 years old named Lei Cao Shanxi fans claimed that Marbury hit him on the head with a bottle. ("I do not think that Marbury would do such a thing," David Yang assertions. WhileMarbury also denied he did no such thing. ) "Match to the parking lot," Morris said. "Surrounding around the bus was full of fans and threw bricks at our bus. Car driver was horrified. He did not want to drive, wants to leave the driver's seat to go to the back of the seat. "This farce has increased two dramatic fifth game Sunday, CBA League3 foreign referees, and has enacted a provision on prohibition of lighters, admission is projectile carrying water bottles and all requirements. Hundreds of police, some wearing helmets and shields of explosion-proof under police protection, Beijing ducks team leading first section 29-13 has not been caught up with, ultimately 110-98 victory. Marbury got 30 points 8 assists 9 rebounds, his presenceSomeone cried, saying it was the best feeling, ever since his feelings. "It feels like the NBA, very competitive, very good. "China Daily (China Daily) reporter Dustin Lane said. "Beijing sports fans feel the ever happy, they want a champion. "' GameFlowing after the tears have deeper meaning. At the age of 11, Marbury was at that time the world's best players of grade 6, he succeeded his brother at Lincoln high school, 3rd jerseys. When freshman drew to a close, a magazine described the horse as a narcissist, various stories surrounding the Marbury gave inspiration for directors, Pike-author Lee, in 1998, he wrote aboutHigh school basketball talent in the film. After Marbury after playing a season at the Georgia Institute of technology early to enter the NBA, signing the Minnesota Timberwolves. Less than 3 years, he made trading dropped from. In 1999 joined the xinzexilanwang team, Marbury's personal data reached its peak there, but the team has never been in the playoffs. Ended and the Phoenix Suns 3-year contractHou, came to the Knicks ' effectiveness--from his childhood dream team had missed since he wants to be this from 1973 championship team's Saviour. This Hollywood redemption soon gone bad, he became the focus of media, a series of public dispute with Larry Brown, the New York daily news that he is the worst player in New York. HeBecome the center of a sexual harassment lawsuit with Marbury, a married father. Eventually Nick's team would rather pay US $ 20 million, to let Marbury go. ' Do nothing began to live on the network during the period of their lives, jumping when listening to Michael Jackson songs, listen to kekefulankelinot; Tears when. "100 million dollars and you can live your own, just like Oprah Winfrey. "Marbury said. Marbury in the NBA has earned about US $ 150 million salary, after leaving the Boston-Celtic, Marbury was persuaded by two Chinese reporters go to the CBA to play ball tera gold, continued his career of Starbury and save his business.Marbury first joined Dragon in Shanxi, the season is 22.9 points, 9.5 assists per game, but the team failed to enter the playoffs. He joined in December 2010 Foshan Dragon and lion dance, Marbury made magnificent personal data again and selected for the all star for the second year in a row, but once again, his team out of the playoffs. He chose to leave again, Shanxi province and FoshanFacing the same problem: ' would allow them to sell as many tickets, but he is a player that can lead them to win it? In Beijing, which he did. "He had some very good Chinese friends tera power leveling, and Shavlik Randolph-Morris. "Pastuszek said," this is the first time he had the opportunity to make the playoffs, in front of the Beijing football fans, he foundEnough power, all these factors together, let us see now '. "If the Mabry had no choice in China, just like Napoleon chose Saint Helena. This raises a problem, China has attracted ', or ' own fell in love with China? "Given that is experiencing one of the most difficult period of Marbury's career, I think he can beLikes to have a new opportunity in the idea of a new country, "Pastuszek said. "Full remodeling opportunity of self is not common, one of more than 30 years of professional basketball players. "" But the development far more than that. He lived in Beijing in China, living day by day. No matter what he ultimately wants, Chinese fansMade ' not only because of his skill, but because he was really into their culture. "After the experience in one of China's busiest season, Marbury's wish is to stay, one day became coach of the Chinese national team in the future," it is not possible. "An interview with Yang said his 18-day" his lack of coaching experience, cannot speak the language, just like aTang Jike-German ideas. "However, David Yang does not rule out ' will become a permanent part of Chinese culture," it's a funny thing, "he said," Let us go and see it. "The first game of the finals on Wednesday at the MasterCard Centre can hold 18,000 people, tickets are already sold out, according to SinaSports reported that tickets sold out 8 minutes. Marbury's opponent was former Houston Rockets player Raymond Aron-Brooks led the traditional power of Guangdong. This will let Marbury worth more manifested. "He was one of history's most famous foreigners in Beijing, if he was able to take them to be champion," said Pastuszek. "Not onlyBecause it will be their first championship, and all of this, but also because they beat the powerhouse of Guangdong team, this will be an incredible story. "Regardless of his teams won this weekend, or failure of Marbury knows that he is in the right way, he's calm is the guarantee of victory. "' A new start," Morris said. "NoPeople want to blame him, no one wanted to draw the attention of the media, basketball and all about, there is nothing on the basketball. " Others:

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